red hill
fairy child
- on 9/09/2011
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In the past, Singapore had to be bothered by the swordfish. Long-billed fish and sharply attacked the residents liked it. Countless how many people were injured and died in the attack was vicious fish.
The king then ordered penglima its war to conquer the evil fish. Thus, an army soldier dipersiapkanlah to kill the fish. However, almost all the soldiers that died in the muzzle Swordfish. The king was puzzled how to subdue the fish.
In the midst of confusion, the King visited by a small child.
"Please God, His Excellency, may I say something about the servants of the fish?"
"The fish can only be conquered by a fence of banana trees."
"What do you mean?"
Which meant that child is a fence made of banana tree trunks. The trees were cut down, aligned, then glued together by being stabbed with a bambo between one and another until it resembles a fence. The fence was then placed on the beach, where the fish used to attack the population.
The king then ordered the commander to make what dilkatakan little boy. Commander secretly acknowledge the child's intelligence. Secretly he also hates the little boy. The idea of the child made to feel stupid in front of the Commander of the King.
"It should be me who had the idea. Am I not the highest warlords? Cook anaka I lose by a small, "he told himself.
The next day, the fence was finished the banana tree. The fence was then placed on the beach as a little child dikatakana.
It was true. The fish that attack banana tree fence can not be pulled back to the muzzle. Mengelepar-flutter their strength, but in vain. Their long snout and sharp strong and stuck it in the banana tree trunk that was soft. Finally, residents can easily kill evil fish.
The child was given a gift by the King.
"Thank you. You're really a smart kid, "said King.
The people rejoiced.
However, the warlords who are jealous and upset because they feel look foolish in front of the King was inciting the King.
"Sire, intelligent child who appeared to be a threat if he grows up."
"You mean?"
"Who knows, when you grow up, with his intelligence he was eager to seize the throne of your majesty."
King incited. He then ordered the commander to get rid of the boy.
The Commander of the little boy went home and with the cunning to kill innocent children. Surprisingly, the child's blood flowing and wetting the whole soil of the hill where the boy lived. The whole hill to red. The people then called it red hill.
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